Guitar effect patches for the Yamaha THR10

Developed by a team of guitarists in search of the ultimate tone, THR delivers the sound that you want and the feeling that you need. Effects that enhance and complement your playing combine with room-filling reverbs and delays to push your playing to new levels. And thanks to THR's unique design and focus, stadium-filling volume isn't a pre-requisite - everything about this amp is designed to fit the way you play, right down to the need to keep it quiet sometimes. With tone and feel like this, you'll appreciate the ability to keep playing all night…


U2 Library of Patches - U2 - The Edge


This libray was developed in a THR-5, but should work perfectly in your THR-10. All of them are still developing the tone, so if you have any coments or suggestions, please share!


Jose Diego Rivera

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como haces para que funcione en el 10 , no me lo abre


Perfectooooooo, muchisimas gracias,tienes mas que sea asi en library, gracias gracias....


Debiera funcionar en el 10, es el mismo software. Tienes que guardar la libreria en la misma carpeta donde tienes tus otras luego abres el THR Editor >> File / Open y abres la nueva libreria con 23 parches de U2. Ten cuidado de haber guardado la libreria que estabas trabajando antes o vas a perder los cambios!


Ahhh por cierto, acabo de subir un Nuevo archivo 2.0 con nuevas canciones y majoras en los parches antiguos!

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